Pickleball Farm at a Glance
A Distinct Identity
Pickleball Farm is a non-profit 501c3 organization located in Fauquier County, Virginia founded in June 2020 by J (Gizmo) and Laine Hall. J and Laine purchased the property and moved to Fauquier County with their two children in December 2018.
Our goal here at Pickleball Farm is to provide the youth and families of our communities the opportunity to learn where our food comes from, how to garden, learn how to fish, learn how to play pickleball and ultimately provide motivational speaking to the kids to help keep them on the right path and not letting your current situation define who you are or what you can be in the future. The food we grow here is donated to local food banks for distribution to those in need.
We have taken opportunities outside of the farm as well. Gizmo has been traveling to youth detention centers and facilities, donating equipment and teaching the youth how to play pickleball, and speak to them about their life choices and how to change their trajectory in life.
Contact Pickleball Farm
Have Questions, Comments etc? Get in touch with Pickleball Farm to learn more about our work and how you can get involved and come for a visit! We would love to hear from you!
Northern VA